For a devastating account of a man who was kidnapped, tortured and deprived of his liberty for more than a decade at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, blending on-the-ground reporting and lyrical prose to offer a nuanced perspective on America’s wider war on terror. Pulitzer 2020
Mohamedou Salahi spent more than fourteen years in detention at Guantánamo Bay, where he was repeatedly tortured. This feature won the 2020 Pulitzer for feature reporting. LINK
Also now there is a film being made by Kevin Macdonald titles The Mauritanian. Script for the film is available for download here
There is also Guantánamo Diary Mohamedou Salahi published in 2015 while he was still incarcerated during his appeal process. He was finally released on October 17th 2016, having spent 14 years and two months in prison. He was never charged with any crime.
Below is a video from The Guardian of when Slahi and his Guantanamo Guard meet up.
“My Brother’s Keeper: a former Guantánamo detainee, his guard and their unlikely friendship”